If you would like to set up a photography session, or have any questions, contact me via email: betsy@betsyjophotography.com. Thank you!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Sneak Peek

Before I begin this post, just a quick note:
I know I am in a bit of a posting overload the past couple of days, so be sure to check out what you may have missed. In the post right before this one, read about a sweet child who has so much to offer, but who needs all the support we can give. That's right, click here to see Sam's pictures and learn more about his Walk for Autism te
am. :)

And now, back to today's adventure:
I had a great time this afternoon meeting two sweet little boys, along with their mother and grandmother. Carla heard about my photography business through a past client of mine, and wanted to have Easter pictures taken. The weather was wonderful for an outdoor photo shoot, and I really enjoyed the opportunity to get some images of her very handsome little boys! Here are just a handful of what I got today-- more will be put up in the next few days, so this is just a little taste:

Someone brought along his guitar...

Nothing quite like the chubby toes of a 6-month-old!
The eyes, the eyes!

"Eyes of gentianellas azure, Staring, winking at the skies."
-Elizabeth Barrett Browning, famed poet of the Victorian era (1806-1861)

It was great to meet all 4 of you today, Carla, and I look forward to showing you the rest-- but just to warn you, there are so many to choose from... You have two very photogenic, beautiful boys!

Also, I am once again announcing a contest: Guess the correct location of this photo shoot, leave your answer in the comments section, and win a $10 Starbucks gift card. Yummmm... One winner will be drawn from all the correct answers. Deadline is Tuesday, March 10th by 6 pm. (And one hint- it's not Cape Cod :)


  1. Betsy~
    I believe the photo locale to be L.L. Bean in Evergreen Walk?? I am enjoying your photos!

  2. i would second the L.L. Bean at Evergreen Walk!!

  3. Gorgeous photos Betsy!!! And dang, two people already had my guess... L.L.Bean it is!

  4. Jim say's L.L. Bean at Evergreen Walk! I'm SOOO glad that Carla got a chance to meet you and the pics are BEAUTIFUL!!! I love them all and can't wait to see the rest :)


  5. I can't wait to see the "other" photo shoot you had yesterday also!!

  6. Working on it, Melinda! :) So cute...
